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These are the pictures I made in MSPaint, before I had aquired Photoshop...
They are not animated, but the funny is different with these ones.
Click the thumbnails and the picture will open in a new window.

This was my first ever picture made for the forums. As you can see, Eccentric is getting butt-raped. This was the first of many to come....
Possibly the second picture I made for the forums... I'm not sure..
But anyway, check it out. I'm on drugs, you know.
The first in the "Story of Eccentric" series. For some reason I thought he would go well with an alien as a sex partner.... I'm on drugs, you know. Click to see the good times.
Taken from the family album of Eccentric, he is shown as a baby, with his alien sex-partner.
Eccentric gets abducted and violated. Oh yes, he did enjoy it, if you are wondering.
The Aftermath of the alien violation...
Shogo had a Blanka avatar for sega week, and he was also the victim of my picture...
Please don't ask me, because I do not remember...
It's self explanatory I think...
Like many others, it is pointless and in poor quality of humour. But I had to out it here, or the collection would not be complete.