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8:00pm Sunday 25th August, 2002
Mother Fuckers Just Tried To Shoot My Dogs.

Well this is my first attempt at a rant for m00g, and I'm in precisely the right mood to do it.
So here's the story:
I got 7 DVD's on Saturday, yesterday, and Im chilling out watching Se7en - on of the best ass movies in the world. All of a sudden my little sister busts in the room, and tells me I have to go get the dogs.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I've gotta back up a little here.

I moved from England over to Ireland last September, so I have been here nearly a year.
Well when I moved over, we decided to get some dogs. A Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd. They both about 1 year old now.
Well we moved because my mother has fallen in love with some guy who I don't really like, but since Im only gonna live here for a couple of years I figure its OK. My mum will be happy in the long term, and so what if I have to sacrifice 2 years of my life for that.
So anyway, the guy we live with has a bit of land. A field surrounding the house.
Beyond that, there are fields for about 2 miles, with the owners houses dotted around.
So my dogs used to be able to run around in our field, and we could just let them off and they would be happy, then come back when they wanted to. They would never leave the field.

But recently, I don't know if it's because they are getting older and more adventurous, or because they are getting horny and need some females. Whatever.
The fact is that they are starting to go into other fields. So now we can't just let them out on their own, and we have to walk with them all the time. Now I do not have a problem with that. I enjoy walking them, and my mother and I take turns to take them out and make sure they stay in our field while we are with them.

But the farmer two fields away said he was getting pissed off about the dogs. He said they were harrasing his cattle, when in actual fact, they go nowhere near his fucking cattle. Their cattle harrass our dogs if anything. But the point is, that he decided to put poison down - or so he says. I know that's a little bit harsh, and for all we know he is bluffing. Why risk poisoning your own cattle just to get a couple of dogs who come in your field and sniff your grass? Because that's all they do.
So we try and keep them out of the other fields, just incase he has put poison down.

Fast forward a couple of weeks.

I bought a few DVD's, and it's a Sunday, Im chilling in my room watching Se7en. Brad Pitt is getting his ass kicked by Kevin Spacey. Hell yeah. Kick his cornbread ass.
"Michael! Michael! - (yes my real name is Michael, by the way) - The dogs have run into another field and mum wants you to get them!"
Fuck. Im not pissed off at my mum - she was walking them, but they can run pretty damn fast, and she wouldn't be able to catch them. Plus there are about 5 electric fences to cross, and she ain't as agile as she used to be. So I get up and go out into the yard.
I climb on top of the Lorry we have in the yard - The guy I live with deals with generators, and he has the big truck to move them round. I look out into the other fields, and sure enough, there are the dogs in the distance.
Lucky my Golden Retriever has pure white fur, so I can spot him from a mile away.
"Fuck this" I say to myself.
I have to walk about a mile across boggy fields to get these bastards back, so I need to get the leads.
I walk back in the house and tell my mom that I can see them, and I go get the leads.

When I get back out, I hear a fucking gunshot. And another. And another. And. A. Fucking. Nother.
Some punk mother fucker is shooting at my dogs with a fucking shotgun.

I jump on top of the lorry, and there are birds flying away from the direction I heard the gun shots, and they are flying away from the exacy place I saw the dogs before.
"FUCK" I say to myself.
A feeling of pure shittyness comes over me.
And then another gun shot.
I shout my dogs and I hear a bark.
My heart jumps up and I feel a lot better.
Then another gunshot.
I jump off the fucking truck and start running towards the direction of the shots, shouting as I go.
I can hear my dogs barking, and after about 2 mins of running, I see them.
"Alle-fucking-lewyah!" I say to myself.
I grab my dogs and run back home with them, and once I get back, I jump on top of the lorry again to see what I can see.
There are trees at the egde of every field, with random gaps in them, so you cant see everything in every field.
The area the gunshots came from is blocked by trees.
I stand up on this 10ft high lorry for about 5 mins, and then in the other field I see a car. About 3 people are in the car from what I could tell by the sillouettes.
And they just cruise through the field and back to their house.

Mother Fuckers Tried To Shoot My Dogs.

As I type this, the events I just told you about happened only 20 mins ago.
I have yet to determine what will happen. I may go on a mad Rambo-esque rampage and kill those mother fuckers. I don't know. But all I know is that I am very, very pissed off.
This has been a rant. Thank you for reading.